Spiritual Head

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. Prov.18:22


The roles of the husband and wife in the family are distinct; different but complementary. This is how God intended for it to be. He gave Adam the responsibility of tending to the garden and Eve the responsibility of helping. A number of couples confuse the roles and this brings about disunity and disharmony. The husband is the head of the home; this is the scriptural and acceptable way. The man has the vision, even when you think he is a figure head, he is still the head of the home. So as a wife, your job is to pray for him to see correctly, otherwise there will be problems in the home. No matter how strong the neck is, it was not designed to carry the eyes. It is the man that has the vision for the family. The father is the spiritual leader of the home. Being the head of the home is not determined by the length of time you speak in tongues or how much of the bible you have read. The leader is the person that initiates direction. A spiritual leader is the person that initiates spiritual things. The man should initiate family prayers, family devotion etc. The man is the head of his wife and the family that they both have. God put the eyes in the head and not on the chest. However, the ears are also in the head, so men listen to your wives because they are knowledge packed. Guess where the heart is, it’s in the chest. Sometimes it may appear that the husband does not feel, you are the heart and he carries the brain. He is logical and you are emotional. God is saying there has to be harmony in the home. Unity rallies around vision; for there to be unity there has to be strong vision in your home. Husbands this is your responsibility. Your wife and children most be able to relay the vision of the family clearly.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help me perform my God given responsibility in my home. I ask for wisdom and understanding in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 28 January, 2012, in Leadership, Marriage, Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Informative article, just what I needed.

  2. This is just the pefrect answer for all forum members

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