Destiny Envisioned
‘We were out in the field, tying up bundles of grain. Suddenly my bundle stood up, and your bundles all gathered around and bowed low before mine!’ Gen.37:7.
Your specific destiny could also be revealed through the envisioned word – Destiny envisioned. What this simply means is that there is something that God has put in your heart. It also comes as a mental picture of what could be and what should be. You are carrying your envisioned destiny around. Usually, it is that thing that you have been brooding over. A mental picture that has been with you. For some people it has been with them since they were children. For some others, they stumbled upon it when they became adults. For others still, it’s just recently discovered. It is usually very strong vision in your mind and you just know this is what you are meant to be doing. A mental picture of what could be and should be. The first step would be to authenticate it by bringing it before God prayerfully. As soon as you have authenticated it, wait for it and God will bring those visions to pass. Just believe. God works in mysterious ways. How He will do it I can assure you, you have no clue about it whatsoever. If you think you do, you will discover when He brings it to pass that you don’t. Yet that He will bring it to pass, you can go to bed or take it to the bank. You can rest knowing that God will establish it without fail. Do not put off your envisioned destiny on account of how irrational or how impossible it will be to fulfill. You must stop looking at your hands when it comes to fulfillment because only God can bring it to pass. Joseph had his envisioned destiny planted in his heart through dreams. Therefore regardless of what was going on around him, his eyes were set on the vision. Locate the destiny written and in line with your destiny envisioned. Pray about it, speak it, wait for it and it will come to pass. What can you see; what have you been envisioning? There are people who are carrying the solution to the greatness of this nation in their hearts. God who planted the envisioned destiny will bring it to pass.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the envisioned destiny. Thank You because You are establishing it in my life. Fill my heart with aspects of my destiny that I am yet to envision, in Jesus Name.
Posted on Sunday 15 July, 2012, in Destiny. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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