Now What: Inherently Successful by Design
‘Because the earth produces crops on its own…’ Mark 4:28
Once the barriers in our lives have been broken, we must sustain the victory until we see its fullness. The Bible says that ‘the earth produces on its own’. When barriers are broken, what actually happens is that everything in our lives that inhibits that production gets destroyed. God has designed the ‘earth’ to be fruitful. What is your earth? For some, ‘earth’ represents their physical bodies. For some, ‘earth’ represents their business. Still for others, their ‘earth’ is their careers. Whatever ‘earth’ represents to you, God has designed it to be fruitful and so it must produce by itself. Everything about us is designed to succeed. Failure is an abnormality. A lot of people think that they are designed to fail, so they struggle to succeed, whereas the converse is true. You are designed to succeed; therefore failure should be a struggle for you. Your homes are designed to be harmonious, not full of strife. Your differences are actually part of God’s plan. God wants us to understand that His kind of prosperity and success is wired into us already. Since He is the author of this inherent kind of prosperity, we must yield to Him and allow Him do what only He can do. An example of this God-prosperity is seen during pregnancy. Science still cannot explain how the baby’s first heart beat happens. But we know it to be the result of the breath of Life, which is given only by the Living God. Stop being agitated, learn to relax and let God do what only He can do. If you are single and seeking a spouse, the Bible says you will no longer be called desolate (Isa.62:4). Godly spouses will be attracted to you, because you are designed to attract. If you seek the fruit of the womb know that it is your portion since God has designed you to be fruitful [Isa.54:1]. We must inculcate the discipline of renewing our minds to see what God says about every situation we find ourselves in. And then tune off from what we think or feel, or what the world says and focus on what God says.
Prayer: Father, I stand in agreement with You concerning my life and I declare that I am fruitful in every area of my life and the fruit of my labour will multiply, in Jesus Name.
Posted on Monday 5 November, 2012, in Destiny. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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