Acceptable Offering

Abel also brought a gift-the best of the firstborn lambs from his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his giftGen.4:4.


David said, I will not offer to God something that will not cost me anything’. So we see from scripture that you cannot separate the man and his offering because the man is his offering and the offering is the man. An offering accepted is the man accepted and an offering rejected is the man rejected. I am praying that God will not reject your offering in the Name of Jesus. The Bible says that God rejected Cain and his offering but He accepted Abel and his offering. You need to make sure that your life is first acceptable to God. And how do you do this? By making sure that God is your priority. If you do this, your offerings will most likely follow the same path. The story is told of a man who brought some much needed financial assistance to his church and everybody was excited, including the Pastor of the church. Then God said to the Pastor ‘give him back his money’. The Pastor was confused because the church needed the money and in his opinion it was God who has brought the man. But the Pastor obeyed God and gave the man his money back. May God never reject your offerings in the Name of Jesus. When God says no to an offering, He is not saying no to the offering, He is saying no to the person. If the offering comes from a life that dishonors Him, the offering means nothing to Him. The life you live is more important than the offering that you give. It is the life that determines the quality of the offering. This is why scripture tells us that if you bring an offering to the Lord and you remember that you have issues with your brother. Drop the offering at the altar and go and settle the issues first. God is more interested in the person than in the offering. Cain was badly behaved way before. ‘We must not be like Cain, who joined the Evil One and then killed his brother. And why did he kill him?, Because he was deep in the practice of evil, while the acts of his brother were righteous1 John 3:12 [MSG]. When you see evil, it means anything that does not honor God. Cain had been dishonoring God way before he brought the offering.


Prayer: Father, I come before You and I repent of every evil that I have done in Your sight. Cleanse me Lord that my life and my offerings will once more be acceptable unto You, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 14 December, 2013, in Honouring God, Offering, Tithe. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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