Act Fast

‘But as he came close to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace’ Luke 9:41-42.


Jesus said concerning Jerusalem, “I wish you knew your time of visitation”. The fact that God desired it didn’t mean it was known to them. The fact that God desires something for you does not mean it will automatically come to being. God’s desire is for all to be saved and go to heaven. Are people not going to hell? The fact that something is God’s will does not automatically bring it to pass. The light can change based on your response. One man said about the girl that God was leading him to marry that she had excessively full lips. If you are the father of that girl how will you feel? And God said “my own daughter, excessively full lips?” He was not even bothered about the fact that he was certain that it was God’s leading. His entire focus was on what he did not like about her. Another lady’s own complain was that the man was short. And I said, “Don’t you understand, God does not always deliver by the mighty. Sometimes He uses petite so that He can take all the glory”. One of my spiritual daughter’s own complaint was that the man was ugly and according to her he was ugly with a capital ‘U’. I smiled and I asked her if she would like to marry someone like me. And she said, “yes, exactly!” And I said to her, “if you knew me before I got married you will not even talk to me. But my wife saw me and chose to marry me”. Now and again she would tease me about things what we out of place in my dressing or looks back in the day. She saw all those things but did that stop her from marrying me? I can go on and on about the refinements God did through my wife. As for you, you do not know if God is hiding him under that odor. If God allows the real him to come out, you probably will not stand a chance. So God will hide your husband or wife with being petite or with been ugly. God is hiding that person just because of you. And let me shock you with this, read the Bible, God never said marry the person you love God said love the person you marry. Do you even know what love is? Ask the people that are married today, the thing they called love was nothing until they got marriage and discovered true love. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying chemistry is not important. I am just saying chemistry is not the determining factor. Check with God for direction, and then act fast!


Prayer: Father, I pray that no other person will inherit my promised land but me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Sunday 20 July, 2014, in Direction, Focus. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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