Only Jesus

‘Crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Luke17:13


Now it is important to pay detailed attention to the prayer of these lepers. They said Jesus, Master help us – have mercy upon us. They worshipped as it were. They recognized the person of Jesus. There is no other name under heaven given unto man by which he can be saved. The Word of God says that ‘when you come to the Father, everything you ask in His name, He will hear you’. Jesus is the way, He the truth, and He is the life. These ten lepers were clear about that, they acknowledged it, and they worshiped Jesus. Many people would say Jesus on side of their mouth and go to a herbalist. Or perhaps they won’t go directly. They will do what is called herbalist-by-proxy. Have you heard of this before? It simply means that they don’t go themselves but they send their money through a relation. How long do you want to sit on the fence? If God is God serve Him.

These ten lepers said Jesus; that was the only name on their lips. Jesus was the only option they had. If Jesus does not come through, they would be hopeless. For many people, if Jesus does not come through, they have a plan B. Like the lady that said she has been a good girl and if that year passes without God giving her a husband, then she cannot guarantee. She just wanted me to know she couldn’t guarantee. In other words, ‘Jesus but…’ Such people tend to serve God for a while just to see if it works. If it doesn’t work they will go to their other plan, back to the life they were living before. The only name on the lips of the lepers was Jesus. There is something that I wrote and I keep it before me consistently. It’s just a simple statement that says, “Jesus you got me into ministry, I am trusting you to see me through”. Ministry is an amazing calling. God must have called you to ministry. If He doesn’t call you, don’t do it. This is just my personal advice. I am trusting that Jesus will see me through. If Jesus doesn’t show up in my life, I am in trouble. I know that. I don’t have a plan B, none. And guess what, that is why He keeps showing up repeatedly because He knows that I don’t have any other plan but God. When you know that you are your child’s only option, then you have to sit up as a parent.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I cut off all my other options and I commit to keeping my eyes on You alone. Jesus, have mercy on me, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Friday 25 July, 2014, in Commitment, Focus, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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