Relationship I

‘And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?’ Matt.6:30


On the white board in my office I have a simple equation written – “Jesus plus nothing equals everything”. That statement has set me free. I can go to bed and sleep. We have things to do, bills to pay, I don’t know how this or that is going to happen. But I can go to bed and sleep. And the reason why I am able to do that is – Jesus – He that watches over me does not slumber nor sleep. If your God does not slumber nor sleep, are you going to compete with Him? You can go to bed. Some people can’t sleep; they stay up at night worrying. What are you worrying for? They shouted Jesus. You shout Jesus. The second thing the lepers said was ‘Master’. They were saying we have a relationship with you, a servant master relationship. The reason why a lot of people are not really walking with God the way they ought to walk with God is because they don’t have a relationship with Him. In other words, they call the name of Jesus and they are quick to jump at other alternatives. A lot of the time that Jesus prayed He will look up and say “Father, I thank you that you always hear me”. Why does He say that? You leverage your relationship in request. You cannot get more than your relationship can deliver. Lets say you have a driver and a daughter. Say your driver asks you for a drink and you agree. I hope your driver can do that with you. But your daughter can move beyond the kitchen and into your bedroom. Open the fridge in your room without you knowing and then inform you on her way out that she has taken a drink from your room. At most you would remind her that she isn’t supposed to do that without asking. And tomorrow she would probably do the same thing again. The key thing here is the relationship. In the case of Jesus and these lepers, it was a slave master relationship. So they said ‘Jesus, Master’. For us when we say Jesus what comes next is Father, Jesus – brother, Jesus – friend. And that is the power of getting answers with God. He is everybody’s Master including us. But some of us will additionally say Jesus, Father. For the person that relates with Him as Father I kind of have a feeling that person will be able to get away with more things than the person that relates with God as a slave.


Prayer [song]: I call You [Father]. Your name is [Father]. You are [a Father] to me. I call You [Father], Your name is [Father]. [Father]You are and [Father]You’ll be.


Posted on Saturday 26 July, 2014, in Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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