Lifestyle Of Worship III

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him” Rom.12:1 [MSG].


How does worship become a lifestyle? Intersect your daily routines with your passion for God. And that is best described with the portion of Scripture quoted above. Intersect your daily routines with your passion for God. Mix your life with God. Let your life be mixed with worship. Imagine a blender, put your life into it, add worship, add praise, add Bible Reading, push the button and just blend it all together. So it is saying take your life, take your everyday normal ordinary life, your sleeping, your waking up, your eating, your dropping the children in school, your picking them up from school, your going to work, your going to jog. Whatever your daily program is, mix it up with God. How do you do that? Simple. It will take you forty-five minutes to get to the office, spend that time worshipping even as you so. You are going for a run or to jog, plug your ears, worship, and pray in tongues. That is mixing it up. You are doing the dishes but you are saying to the Lord, as I am washing these dishes Father wash all the dirt in my life away. Just mix your life up with God. That is how to develop a life of worship. So what are our next steps?

  1. This week schedule an appointment with God beginning today. If you have already, that is fantastic, just reinforce it. If you have not then schedule an appointment with God. Let heaven know that they are expecting you at ‘xyz’ time today. It does not have to be a one-hour appointment; it does not have to be for ten hours. It could be for ten or fifteen minutes, but just schedule it.
  2. Look at things that you would have walked by normally. Look at the ants that are infesting your sugar and being a nuisance in your home and say God you are awesome. You mean you made these ants as tiny as they are. Look at the birds and give God worship. Look at the stars, look at rain and how it falls, look at the grass, then just stop and praise God because he has everything working in order.
  3. In your appointment with God, write at least ten things that God has done for you. Things that you are grateful for and tell God out loud how grateful you are for them.

For some of us our next step today is to get to know this God, take the step today, and tell God how much you need Him in your life.


Prayer: Father, I look at my life, at all that You have done for me, at the world that Your hands have made and I worship You awesome God, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 11 November, 2015, in Altar, Companionship, Fellowship, Intimacy, Intimacy with God, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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