Person And Principles

“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matt.11:29


The world and the church consistently struggle with understanding the Person of Jesus and the principles of Jesus. The truth you and I must accept is, you do not need the Person of Jesus to work the principles of Jesus. There are some principles that are universal and such principles will work whether you are a believer or not. The principles of Jesus will deliver results and a lot of them outside of the Person of Jesus. A lot of believers have a relationship with the Person of Jesus but do not deploy the principles of Jesus. And because of this, they struggle in their lives. You believe in Jesus and you have the person of Jesus. But if you do not deploy the principles of Jesus for your health, for instance, you will struggle. Similarly, if you do not deploy His principles for your relationships, there will be a struggle.

So what is the difference between the Person of Jesus and the principles of Jesus? The Person of Jesus secures your eternity. The principles of Jesus secure your success here on earth. As long as you follow Jesus, you are sure of making heaven. But as long as you imitate Jesus, you are sure of being successful here on earth. For instance, a student who is a believer is not studying for his approaching exams. Instead he or she chooses to fast and pray for the approaching exams. Then the exams come and of course the believer fails because he or she did not study. If you do not study you will not move to the next level academically regardless of whether you are a believer or not. We kind of make mockery of Christ because we do not do what we ought to do.

This can be applied to different areas in our lives. And it is confusing to the world. The world now thinks that it does not need God because everything is working. But the truth is that they are working the principles of Jesus and getting the results. They take care of the old, the weak, and the poor. But they are rejecting the Person of Jesus. However, the beauty is that God has not told us to choose one. God wants us to do both: to have a relationship with the person of Jesus and to deploy His principles.


Prayer: Thank You Jesus because my eternity is secured in You. Teach me Your principles so that I will be successful here on earth, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Tuesday 19 January, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Honouring God, Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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