His Answer

“Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” John 9:2


Over the next few days we will be learning a couple of life defining truths from the story in John 9:1-41 [please read]. Jesus’ disciples concluded that the man’s blindness [suffering] must be as a result of sin. Sadly, many of us still think like this even now. We conclude that people are suffering as a result of sin either directly or indirectly.
Do not jump to conclusions! And the disciples were quick to ask, “Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” The disciples asked Jesus a question and gave Him options to choose from.  Do not do that with God. When you ask God a question, let Him answer the question.

Many times, we go to God with questions and we provide Him with answers to choose from. A young man came to tell me he wanted to settle down. He had a good car, a house, a job and so marriage was the next milestone. Then he told me about three ladies and he wanted us to pray so that God will pick one for him to marry. You are asking God a question and providing Him with the options that He must choose from? And at the time what I felt in my spirit was what if it is none of the above? But he insisted that it had to be one of them because he had “invested” in all three ladies.

My point is this, do not go to God with a question and proffer Him the answer. Let Him answer! You are walking with Jesus and you come across a sick person. What should flow from you? Should you not be asking God to heal the sick person? But instead the disciples began to analyze the man and ask Jesus what the root of his problem was? And Jesus said, what is your business with the root of his problem? [Paraphrased from John 9:3]. God wants us to show mercy to people around us and not just scrutinize them.

Sin obviously will lead to suffering but not all suffering are as a result of sin. Many times, we go through things not because we have a problem with God. The question we should ask is not ‘why do I suffer’, but ‘will I trust for God to show His glory even when I do not understand the [source of the] suffering?


Prayer: Father, help me look beyond my current situation and keep my focus on You alone. I reaffirm my trust in You and Your plans for me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 20 January, 2016, in Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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