Error To Avoid!

“When they returned, they told Joshua, “There’s no need for all of us to go up there; it won’t take more than two or three thousand men to attack Ai. Since there are so few of them, don’t make all our people struggle to go up there” Josh.7:3


You are a leader and you are responsible! You may delegate tasks but ultimately what happens based on the feedback you get is your call. Once the spies have submitted their report, their job is done. Then it is the leader’s call to determine what happens next. Unfortunately, a lot of the spies are like Ahithophel. Ahithophel was a fantastic counselor. The Bible says that when he spoke it was like God had spoken. He was David’s counselor initially but then became Absalom’s counselor.

Absalom needed counsel, so Ahithophel submitted his counsel but the king did not take his counsel. You have given counsel but your boss did not take your counsel. That should not be a problem because you have finished your job. Your job is to spy the land, give the counsel. Guess what Ahithophel did when the king did not take his counsel, he hung himself [2Sam.17:23]. And it is because he was filled with pride. As a leader you are going to encounter a lot of Ahithophel’s. I have encountered a couple; after they have given their counsel, they want to determine the outcome. The job of the spy is not to determine the outcome. It is the leader’s call!

…There’s no need for all of us to go up there; it won’t take more than two or three thousand men to attack Ai…Josh.7:3. And Joshua made a huge error and just went ahead with it. Every leader must learn to stop, and inquire of the Lord. You have heard the feedback but stop and ask. David was miles ahead of all these other leaders; David would stop and inquire of the Lord.

There was a time David wanted to take a city and his men had found out everything about that city. David was more skillful than Joshua in warfare. In fact, David was the most skillful king but he never let his skill go to his head. David always stopped and checked with God, “should I go up? Will you give this city to me? How should I go up?” A lot of businesses are in turmoil today because the leaders have taken the convenient route [the lazy route] of abdicating responsibility in the name of delegation. But it is foolishness. You need to step back and take control.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, teach me to always stop and inquire of the Lord especially in situations when I can easily make the call on my own, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Tuesday 23 February, 2016, in Errors, Laziness, Leadership, Responsibility. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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