The Advantage

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“Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?” Luke 5:22 [NIV]


Great military leaders are consistently gathering and analyzing information; seeking the insights that will give them an advantage. How can you run a business and not even have the vital facts, statistics and information about it? Something is wrong with that. It is your duty to gather information because you are the general of your life. God shows us the power of intelligence in His dealings with Israel. God has said I will give you the land but choose twelve spies to go and gather intelligence. And my thoughts were- why do they need intelligence when God already told them He was going to give them the land? Think about it. Today Israel has one of the best intelligence in the world [the Mossad].

In 1941, the Germans had the enigma machine. The enigma machine has an encrypting algorithm that ciphers information on one end. Even though the information is intercepted and the radio waves are tapped, nobody was able to decipher it until it gets to the other end that has another enigma machine. The Germans practically took control of Europe because of intelligence. They could pass information around and nobody would get it.

Britain almost fell but they were smart. They went after one enigma machine, secretly captured it, and used it to decode all the German intelligence. Then they overpowered the Germans just by deciphering what was going on. Many times Jesus will be with people and the Bible says Jesus will decipher what was in their hearts. God wants us to be able to decipher the plans of the enemy. He wants us to spiritually decipher what they are planning for us.

In World War II, the battle of Midway, the Japanese under Admiral Yamamoto were able to push back the American submarines and all their artillery. But unknown to him, the Americans paid attention to just one thing – decoding Japanese intelligence. And as soon as they decoded it, they did not only wipe out all Japan’s equipment, they killed their general. What am I saying? There is intelligence in the spirit realm. You have to tap into it. How? Inside of you is the Spirit of God and Jesus says this same Spirit will guide you. The Holy Spirit will teach you. You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way, walk in it.


Prayer: Precious Spirit of God, lead me, guide me, teach me, so that I will always have the advantage, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 11 May, 2016, in Victory, Warfare. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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