Because… I

Gal. 1:10 Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.


The first reason why people become workaholics is because of INSECURITY. Human beings have an intense need for approval, it is otherwise known as approval addiction. A lot of people are insecure, a lot of people grew up without affirmation from home and, in some cases, people had to work to earn affirmation. Unfortunately, people are still trying to earn the approval of their parents or siblings. Some men are still trying to prove to their mothers that they are better than the brother who was always winning awards growing up.

A lot of people drive themselves through the wall because of their insecurities. Insecurity is a serious taskmaster. You need to learn that what you do is not who you are. A lot of us hinge our identity on what we do, so you hear people say, I am a doctor. You are not a doctor; rather, you practice medicine. I am not a pastor rather I am privileged to pastor God’s Favourite People. So, who are you? You are a child of God bought by the Blood of the Lamb. You have to take your identity from your Source [God], otherwise the voice of insecurity will keep telling you that you are a nobody, and drive you to prove yourself. The voice of insecurity that says you are good but you are not good enough, you have to shoot down then draw your identity from who God says you are.

The second reason people become workaholic is WORRY. Ps. 55:2 (GN) “…I am worn out by my worries.” The list of worries is endless – from feeding related worries, to finance related worries, to capacity related worries, to work related worries and the list just goes on and on. Then the enemy amplifies the work so much before us and people begin to suffer from the fear of failing. So much so that some people cannot even imagine taking time off work.

The third reason why people become workaholics is GREED. Eccl. 4:4 (GN) “I’ve learned why people work so hard to succeed; it’s because they envy the things their neighbours have” [with emphasis]. The Bible is so complete, it is mind blowing.

Thought: Whose approval are you trying to win –people or God?


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me keep my focus on God and winning His approval daily, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 15 June, 2018, in Approval, Focus, Guidance, Work, Worry. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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