Eph.3:20 (TPT) “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all…”


Imagine that what God offers us is more stunning than anything we could dream of. God says He can do infinitely more than we can ever think or imagine, bigger than all our what ifs’ put together. The beauty of Christianity is this, God wants to do something infinitely more valuable than all the human abilities put together, wrapped up in one word – Holy! When we think of God doing exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ever think or imagine, most times we think materially. But, really, what God wants to do exceedingly abundantly is to make us holy. It is!

God is saying, He wants to make you like the greatest human being that ever lived. God wants to make you like Jesus. God wants to make us like Jesus, that is the big picture. In whatever you are facing today, the question is how are you becoming more like Jesus? God’s big picture is that you and I might be more like Jesus. God loves you the way you are, just like you are. But God loves you too much, they say, to leave you the way you are. That is the big picture. God has been trying to get you to stop gossiping so that you can go to the next level. God loves you inspite of your gossiping, but He will not leave you as a gossip. Let me bring this home to us practically.

Let us assume that God says that when you stop gossiping, you will get a brand-new car. But you continue to gossip so what happens to the brand-new car? It continues to delay. Then you repent for gossiping, God says you are forgiven but you still cannot have the brand-new car just yet. Then another opportunity to gossip comes up, if you gossip, what you have done is postponed the delivery of your brand-new car. Then a day will come when you are more like Jesus, when opportunities to gossip come, you will overcome and overcome. You are growing in the likeness of Christ and then suddenly, the brand-new car. Then people become jealous of you. They do not need to be jealous, all they need to do is to stop gossiping and they will get their own brand-new cars. Note that this is just an illustration. But this is how God works; who I am becoming is far more important than what I am desiring. God has all the wealth in heaven and on earth. So, how come some of His children cannot pay their bills? It is because He is taking them through a process so that they can be more like Jesus.


Prayer (song): Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I live for you alone. And every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake. Lord, have Your way in me. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 20 December, 2020, in Acknowledge God, Advantage, Power, Power of God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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