Your King

Isa.7:8-9 “for Syria is no stronger than its capital, Damascus, and Damascus is no stronger than its king, Rezin…Israel is no stronger than its capital, Samaria, and Samaria is no stronger than its king, Pekah son of Remaliah.”


No city, no nation is stronger than its stronghold. The capital is the stronghold. The strong hold is the strongest part of the nation. God is saying, Syria is no stronger than Damascus and guess what. No stronghold is stronger than the leader, than their king.

And Damascus is no stronger than Rezin and God says Rezin is a twig. Imagine big Syria, big Damascus, huge Rezin but God is saying, Rezin is a twig. Israel is no stronger than its capital Samaria. Samaria is no stronger than its king Pekah, son of Remaliah and Pekah is a twig. Your God is stronger. You have no reason to be afraid. My God is stronger. Who is Rezin, who is Pekah? What is Damascus, what is Samaria, what is Syria, what is Israel (in this context)?

This is a huge leadership mine. God is saying, no organisation can rise above its leader. As the leader grows, the organisation grows. If the leader is great, the organisation will be great. If the leader is strong, the organisation will be strong. If the leader is a twig, the organisation is, will be a twig. The millennials prefer flat structures, no hierarchy which is fine. But if you do not understand these principles, you are going to miss it. Check what happened to Apple; When Steve Jobs was alive, the phones never used to crash. I have used a Mac for only God knows how long. I do not even reboot my computer. I was delivered from my days of Windows. But the man passes on, the systems and structures are still in place. They are still producing great products but guess what? Apple is now rebooting like windows. No offence.

Now you have to reboot and restart, it is unbelievable. If you have a business, and you have a great leader in that business, protect that leader. If you have a great husband, protect him with your life. Why? As he goes, so everything goes. As he grows, everything grows. God is saying, Israel is no stronger than Samaria. Samaria is no stronger than Pekah. This Pekah, who is a twig. Your God is stronger. What was not written in that passage of scripture and is inferred is, the same way Syria is no stronger than Damascus, Damascus is not stronger than Rezin. The same way Israel is no stronger than Samaria and Samaria is not stronger than Pekah. The same way Judah is not stronger than Jerusalem and Jerusalem is not stronger than Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If Jesus is your King, their king submits to your King.


Prayer (song): I will come and bow down at Your feet, Lord Jesus. In Your presence there’s fullness of joy. There is nothing, there is no one who compares with You… Amen!

Posted on Saturday 2 January, 2021, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Advantage, Align. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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