
Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”


Jeremiah 17:9The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (NIV, emphasis added).

This is Jeremiah lamenting that the human race is in a hopeless situation,where the mind is beyond cure. But thank God for Christ, thank God Jesus came. When Jesus came, Paul could say in 1 Corinthians 2:16 “…we have the mind of Christ” (NIV). Therefore, as a child of God, the negativity of your mind that comes from human nature can be overcome, overpowered, and subdued by the mind of Christ. However, for that to happen, you must understand that, like Paul says, ‘in me, that is in me naturally, there is nothing good’ (Romans 7:18). Unfortunately, some people think they are good people.

Have you met people that insist that they are good? They say, ‘even if God were to be fair, He will say I am a good person.’ In other words, if God says, I am not a good person then God is not fair. People can be delusional. God’s Word says we have the mind of Christ; meaning that we can trade the depraved mind for the mind of Christ. And that is huge because you and I have an amazing ability to deceive ourselves. Medical science tells us that the optic nerve takes signals from the eyes to the brain, and vice versa. Everything you are seeing right now is being interpreted and transmitted through the optic nerve to your brain. But in measuring the amount of information that goes from the eyes to the brain, they discovered that, yes, there is a lot of information that goes from the eyes to the brain. But there is a whole lot more information going from the brain to the eyes. And the conclusion is that while we are seeing what we are seeing, and while we think we are seeing what we are seeing, our brains are telling us what to see.

That is why five witnesses see the exact same situation and give five different accounts. What I am saying is, you do not always see things as they are. You see things as your brain wants you to see them. When we are equipped with the truth that even though what we see is white, it may actually be beige. If you understand and acknowledge what you are seeing but you are wise to say there may be another side to this and you are open, that is when you are open to seeing with your mind’s eye, with the mind of your spirit. But when you conclude that what you see is white, so it has to be white you shut yourself in. It is not everything that you see, or think you see that is what it is. Do not believe everything you think.

Prayer: Father, help me view things always with the mind of my spirit, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 19 February, 2024, in brain, delusional, measuring, Medical, mindful, person, witnesses. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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