Blessed Order

Ecclesiastes 5:19 “If God gives us wealth and property and lets us enjoy them, we should be grateful and enjoy what we have worked for. It is a gift from God.” (GNT, emphasis added).


Happiness is not determined by what you have, happiness is determined by your response to what you have. Let’s say you have a used car, for instance, it is not luxurious, but it is a car.

The purpose of a car is to move you from point A to point B so enjoy your car.You do not drive your car, cursing the car. Similarly, you cannot be cursing the house you are living in currently because you want a bigger and better one. You enjoy what you have. Philippians 4:11 “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (NIV). How God expects us to operate is totally different from how the world typically operates. God’s order, the order God blesses is different from what most people do. The picture below is a graphical representation of what most people do versus the order that God blesses.







What most people do is, once they get money, they spend it. In fact, in some cases even before they have the money, they have spent it. After spending it, they worry about it not being enough, so they borrow more. It is called ‘book-me-down’ (BMD). Then to appease their conscience, they try to save if possible. Some do not even save at all; they spend all the money they borrowed. How can you be owing someone, yet you are buying a new phone? The person is asking for his money, and you are telling him not to stress you. That is evil! That is the order of the world. God does not bless that order. The order God blesses is when you get an increase, you dedicate it, tithe it, save it, budget it, and then you enjoy it. God blesses it, it multiples, and the fulfilment is far reaching. Money is actually a test of how responsible you are as a person.


Prayer: Father, even as I gain traction in my finances, empower me to consistently follow the order that God blesses, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!


Posted on Monday 4 March, 2024, in borrow, circumstances, graphical, Order, representation, spend. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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