Heart Attack, II

Proverbs 4:23 “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” (TPT)


Every attack on you is all about your faith and faith springs from the heart. Yesterday, we said that your heart is your citadel, and it must not fall. We began to look at the first form of attack on the heart the 3Ds – Discouragement, Disappointment, and Disillusionment. The 3Ds are heart attacks and if you are experiencing a heart attack, you need external help. Most people who are experiencing heart attacks cannot help themselves. So, you need support. You need help. You need community. For every form of discouragement, Lord, we speak encouragement into every heart, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. For every form of disappointment, Father, we speak perspective, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Perspective for disappointment, encouragement for discouragement, and we break the power of disillusionment, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Another way of attacking the heart is Hate. When people allow the enemy to fill their hearts with hate. I have heard believers say things like, ‘I hate that brother’. I am like what? And you are a Christian. They say, ‘When we get to Heaven, we will settle the score.’ The question is will you get to heaven? Hate has no place in you. Say it, hate has no place in me. Say it loud and clear, hate has no place in me. Again, hate has no place in me. Hate has no power over me. My heart is filled with the love of God. I am filled with the life of God. I am filled with the Spirit of God. That is how you should be. Every time you are tempted to hate, it is an attack, a heart attack.

The third form of heart attack is Fear. Fear is a heart attack. You will notice that once fear grips the heart, the heart freezes. Fear keeps people from moving forward. You see everything else like you are in a dreadful spin. But today in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, fear will lose its grip on you. The fourth form of heart attack is Envy and Jealousy. One of the ways that the enemy gets advantage of us is through envy and jealousy. But he will fail going forward in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Today, envy and jealousy are used interchangeably but they are quite different. Language purists will argue and fight with you if you use them interchangeably.

Both envy and jealousy are horrible because they make us feel inadequate and incompetent. Envy and jealousy both make us feel like we are not enough which causes us to behave erratically. Envy does the job and walks away. Jealousy does the job and walks away, so to speak. It is the feeling that consumes people. So, what is the difference between envy and jealousy? We will get into that in tomorrow’s devotional.


Prayer: Father, please purge my heart of hate, fear, envy, and jealousy, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 7 July, 2024, in Disillusionment., dreadful, Envy, Jealousy, Language purists. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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