
James 2:18 “Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”


The very fourth choice you need to make to work the Word is to Choose To Act On It. James 1:22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (NIV). So, in essence, the Word of God is saying, you put your feet to your faith and drive your faith. You are believing God for a promotion, do something about it, drive it. You are believing God for the fruit of the womb, do something about it, drive it. You are believing God for that project, do something about it, drive it. Give feet to your faith. You can say you believe with your lips, but when there is no commensurate action, it is suspect whether you really believe.

We prove we believe by how we behave. If you believe that the Word of God is true, your action will adjust. You can hear the Word on weekends, but you must put it into practice on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday if it is going to work for you. Do not be constipated with Word. When you hear the Word and you do nothing about it, you become spiritually constipated. What is that Word you have heard about your finances? Have you heard that you need to earn, you need to work hard? When you wake up on Monday, you do something about it. Is it that you need to save, or you are spending everything you earn and not saving? You need to do something about it. Is it that you need to give? You need to do something about it.

Is it that you need to tithe? You need to do something about it. What is that Word you have heard about your health? Is it that you need to eat at the proper time for strength? You need to do something about it. If you do not do something about it, you stay where you are. Is it about your mental health? Cast your cares upon the Lord, and the peace of God that defies understanding will garrison your heart. Do something about it. Is it your business? Do something about it. You have heard Engineering Your Dreams, do something about it. Why? The truth is when you act on God’s Word, God’s Word acts on you. The Word of God is quick and powerful.

So how does the Word act on you? It is like a double-edged sword; the Word of God cuts down and destroys the enemies of your destiny in the Name of Jesus. The Word of God is like a scalpel, it performs open-heart surgery. It cuts between even soul and spirit. So beautiful and powerful. The Word of God is a balm, when you act on it, it acts on you by healing you. The Word of God is like a seed, it grows and flowers and changes the atmosphere with the fragrance of the flower.


Prayer: Father, as I receive, believe, and act on Your Word, let Your Word act on me in healing, promotion, deliverance, salvation, and wisdom, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!


Posted on Friday 26 July, 2024, in commensurate, constipated, saving. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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