Not Ninety-Nine

Exodus 20:3 “You must not have any other god but me. No other gods, only me.” (NLT & MSG)


James 1:22 “…remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves.” (LB). You do not get more spiritual by hearing scriptural and spiritual verses. You get more spiritual by doing something about what you have heard. Let me give you an illustration to bring this home. Someone always visits the gym with a box of pizza, a two litres bottle of soda, and a stool. So, he sits down, eating his pizza, and gulping his soda while other people are working out and sweating. All the while he is running commentaries such as, that exercise is amazing. Then he goes home, and when he is asked where he is coming from, he says the gym.

Who is deceiving who? You have to do something about it. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” (BSB, emphasis added). This is the hundred percent (100%) principle. It is not the 80:20, or the 90:10, it is the hundred percent (100%) principle. The hundred percent principle says I commit wholeheartedly and completely to God. What happens when I make mistakes? Yes, you may stumble and fall, but get up and keep going for a hundred percent. The devil will tell you that you are not worthy. He will say that everyone else is holy, but you cannot be holy. Just get up, dust yourself, and keep going for a hundred percent (100%).

The question is, what is that one area that you are saying God you cannot have this one? Some people say to God, ‘Can we adjust this hundred percent (100%) principle to be ninety-nine percent (99%)? You get ninety-nine percent and I just keep this one percent. Lord, I am just being nice and fair.’ God says, ‘No! I have to be Lord of all, or I am not Lord at all in your life’. What is the one thing you need to give up to God in faith, not in fear, not in guilt, not in shame, but in faith? What is that one thing?

In Esther 4 (please read), Mordecai said to Esther, ‘This is your call, Esther. Rise up to your calling, Esther.’ Esther responded, ‘It is too risky. I have served God and represented the nation of Israel. But I cannot put my life on the line. What if the king does not stretch forth his sceptre? I would be a goner.’ And Mordecai said, ‘Esther, you are here maybe for such a time as this. If you do not rise to it, do not worry about it, God will raise help from another.’ (Esther 4 paraphrased). The truth is it is an honour to be called by God, never forget that!


Prayer: Father, I declare that You are Lord in my life. I ask for the grace to match my declaration with action. Help me consistently give You hundred percent, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Sunday 4 August, 2024, in risky, scriptural. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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