Giving Attitude

Mark 6:41 “And taking the five loaves and two fish, He looked up to heaven and, praising God, gave thanks and broke the loaves and kept on giving them to the disciples to set before the people…” (AMPC, emphasis added).


To experience the overflow, Give God Whatever You Have. John 6:8-9 Another one of his disciples, Andrew, who was Simon Peter’s brother, said, “There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two fish. But they will certainly not be enough for all these people.” (GNT). This little boy became the hero of the story not because he had the biggest meal or the best meal but because he gave it to God. I have heard a lot of teaching on this particular story in the Bible, some say there were twelve baskets left over because each Apostle went home with one basket. How is that so, were they the ones that gave the seed? So why will they be the ones to go with the harvest? God does not work like that.

I am almost sure Jesus told them to call the boy and give him the twelve baskets. Now, imagine the boy going home with twelve baskets. His mother obviously did not go with him for the boy to have his lunch packed. And the boy says to his mum, ‘Mum, I have come with twelve baskets filled with bread and fish.’ ‘Have you started stealing’, his mother asks. ‘No Mum. What happened is Jesus told everybody to sit down. Then He took my bread and fish and multiplied it and there was enough for everyone to eat and too much. At the end of the day, He gave me all that was left over, and it came to twelve baskets full! Mum, you can ask these men.’ Guess who will be carrying the basket to the boy’s house. Maybe the disciples. And the disciples will say, ‘It is true Ma’am.’

How proud will the mother be of the little boy? ‘I taught you well. I taught you to let go of what you have and put it in the hands of God and watch God multiply it.’ His mother would say with so much joy in her heart. What do you want to be multiplied in your life today? Put it in the hands of God. What do you want to walk in the overflow of today? Learn from this little boy and put it in the hands of God. The little boy gave what he had willingly, cheerfully, and immediately (instantly). Let us also have this attitude when it comes to giving, to give willingly, cheerfully, and immediately. This is the kind of release that sparks a miracle, that sparks the overflow.

The most miserable people on earth are those who feel bad when they give and feel bad when they do not give. Rid yourself of that misery. If you do not want to give, enjoy whatever you have, but know that that is where it ends. So, enjoy it. But if you want to give, be happy giving it, because that is just the beginning. Everything you place in God’s hand multiplies.


Prayer: Father, help me give willingly, cheerfully, and immediately knowing that I am just a steward, everything comes from You, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 13 August, 2024, in Apostle, baskets, mother, twelve. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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