The Drill

1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (KJV)


This is what God wants to do in your life. Do you receive it? To be carried on eagle’s wings is to allow your mind to soar with God. It is possible to experience something and not understand it. However, the things that are experienced and not understood cannot be passed down to the next generation. In fact, such things cannot even be repeated. To be carried on eagle’s wings by itself, and go through the experience, is not enough. You need to allow your mind to wrap around the things that God is doing. I pray for peace in your mind. I pray for understanding in your mind. I pray that your mind will be open in the Name of Jesus.

It is possible to experience something and not understand it. It is possible to experience the love of God, which is beyond understanding. We can try to understand the love of God, but we cannot fully understand the love of God. The truth is that, if we are to be honest, some of us will not even give ourselves a second chance. But God is saying not only is He going to give us a second chance, but He is also going to do what will make what has happened in our lives before look like child’s play. You cannot understand that kind of love, but you can experience it and just embrace it. However, when it comes to the things that God wants delivered in your life. God does not want you to just experience it, God wants you to understand it.

And that was the difference between Moses and the children of Israel. Moses knew the ways of God (Psalm 103:7). He understood the working of the Spirit. The children of Israel saw the acts, they had experience. Do you know why manna was named manna? Manna is the food of angels, and I am sure there is a name for it in heaven. But when the children of Israel saw it, they exclaimed, ‘What is that?’, hence the name manna. But they ate it anyway, even though they did not understand it? God wants us to understand His ways. I pray that not only will you experience the miracles of Heaven, but you will also understand the ways of heaven in the Name of Jesus.

While the ultimate experience of lifting is to be on eagle’s wings. The ultimate purpose of being on eagle’s wings is to be trained by the Eagle of eagles. So that you can mount up with wings as eagles. When the eagle carries it’s young on its wing, it is not just carrying them for a ride. In fact, it shakes them off and sees them grapple and grapple. Then it goes and picks them again. The purpose of being on eagle’s wings is so that you yourself can be trained to soar on eagle’s wings.


Prayer: Father, in the Name of Jesus, may it please You to reveal Your ways to me just like You did with Moses and grant me deep understand by Your Spirit, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!


Posted on Saturday 17 August, 2024, in children of Israel, ways of God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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