Wisdom Nuggets

Proverbs 1:7 “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”


Proverbs 16:25 “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” Everybody has a path that appears okay, it makes sense, and it is logical. God says it is death that is waiting at the end. The focus of this scripture however is Christ. Some people feel there are different ways to God. But Jesus says in John 14:6 …I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” There may be other ways that seem right and seem logical, but it all leads to death. It is only in the Name of Jesus that we can be saved.

John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (KJV). For there to be salvation, there has to be grace and truth. Jesus is not fifty percent grace, fifty percent truth. Jesus is a hundred percent grace and a hundred percent truth. When He needs to represent truth, He is truth one hundred percent. When He needs to represent grace, He is grace one hundred percent. That is what we see in scriptures and that is what brings salvation.

Proverbs 17:2 “A wise servant will rule over the master’s disgraceful son and will share the inheritance of the master’s children.” Leadership is not inherited. Leadership is not automatic. Greatness is not inherited. Greatness is not automatic. There are many children of great men that have made very poor decisions. It also means that the fact that you are low, seemingly a servant today, does not mean that you cannot be a ruler tomorrow. So, if you know how to play your cards of diligence and loyalty, you will overtake even the children and the sons of the king.

Proverbs 19:18 “Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives.” The Bible says while there is hope and it means a time comes when it is hopeless to start disciplining the child. And it is scary because I have seen parents that the time has come when they should not be disciplining their children but that is when they insist on disciplining them.

Proverbs 31:17-18 “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. She makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night.” Many ladies who are of marriageable age are subconsciously looking for someone that will take care of them and their children. Yes, the man should be responsible, and I am all for that. But do not put yourself in a disadvantaged position. Our daughters must be strong such that when people experience them, they are not going to leave saying what a well-dressed lady. Rather, they will say what a competent and virtuous lady.


Prayer: Father, I will be wiser; open my eyes to see as I ought to see, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 14 September, 2024, in Nuggets, responsible, virtuous. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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