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Proverbs 31:15,17&19 “She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls… She is energetic and strong, a hard worker… Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fibre.”


The Word of God is potent and powerful, and it will transform your life this season and beyond in the Mighty Name of Jesus. We started our journey to securing a limitless future by looking at Family, then we looked at Faith, then Friendships and beginning today we will focus on Fitness

To really secure a limitless future and to have a limitless life, Family, Faith, Friendships, Fitness, Finance, Farm, and Fun need to work in harmony. When this happens, we would begin to unleash the nature of God, the fullness that God would have us live out, and that is being without limitations, being limitless.

Our focus scripture is still 2 Kings 4:1-7 (please read). In our focus scripture, we see all the different components (family, faith, fitness, friendships, finance, and farm) at play. However, one thing we see clearly in the story is that this woman was definitely a virtuous woman. She did not fold her arms and watch things go down the drain. She was going to take responsibility and ensure that her family was secure. Elisha said to her, “Go borrow vessels…”. She needs to be fit to walk to her different neighbours, get a lot of vessels, and carry those vessels to her house. The rate at which she can do that and her effectiveness are obviously linked to her fitness. Just imagine, if she is really fit, she would stack the empty vessels one on the other in the house and not just put them on the floor in the house. 

And that requires her to be really healthy and fit. She was virtuous in her mind, and she was able to implement that through her body. Remember, the contact with the physical world is the body. The body has to be fit. What I am saying in essence is, how limitless she was financially, depended on the limits of her family, faith, friendships, and fitness. How limitless she was financially depended on the limits of her fitness. The more vessels she could carry, the more vessels she could stack, the more oil she could pour. The more filled vessels she could put aside and stack on top of each other, the more financially free she would become. 

So, her financial limitlessness was tied to her fitness. You need to realize that your financial freedom is not just tied to your income or your financial literacy. It is tied to your fitness. Proverbs 31 practically describes the woman in 2 Kings 4, she is a virtuous woman. It is important to mention that men also need to be virtuous to survive, thrive and be all that God has called them to be. However, our focus is on this woman. She thinks—her mind is engaged. She is proactive—she plans and strategizes. She is energetic, strong and a hard worker. 


Prayer: Father, I ask for the wisdom to commit to and sustain physical fitness, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 13 January, 2025, in component. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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