
Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”


When you are available to God and you do what God has called you to do, even when it does not make sense to you, you can never be a byword. Instead, you will be the joy of many generations. I shared my story with you 

yesterday about my service year in Northern Nigeria. Today, I will share a follow-up to that story. My service year was between 1996 – 1998, right? Fast forward to 2022, I got a call from the Guardian Newspaper in Nigeria. University of Lagos (UNILAG), my alma mater, was turning sixty and they were running a feature titled, Special Focus On The Most Distinguished Alumni/Alumnae of UNILAG. They were writing about sixty exceptional graduates from the University of Lagos in sixty years.

It is important to mention that there are between five  and six hundred thousand graduates that have passed through UNILAG. However, they chose sixty and my name was on it. Glory be to God! How is that even possible? Then, I remembered God saying to me, “If you become a byword, let the byword be on Me.” When I got the call that they wanted an interview, I said, “I am sorry, but I am not in Lagos.” They said they would do a Zoom interview. So, we did a Zoom interview, and the article was published in April 2022. Sixty outstanding UNILAG graduates in sixty years out of about six hundred thousand, which is equivalent to 0.01%. What is God calling you to do? When you do it, you will see miracles that you never knew existed. 

The fourth thing that happens when you say to God, “Here I am. I am available” is that You Hear the Message You Never Thought You Would Hear. And this is really huge. Samuel was a little boy serving under Eli and the Word of God says in 1 Samuel 3:4Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” (NIV, emphasis added). So, Samuel ran to Eli and Eli said, “I didn’t call you, go back to bed.” Samuel went back to sleep, but he heard the voice again. He got up and ran to Eli. “Here I am. I am willing. I am available. I am confused though.” And Eli said, “I didn’t call you.” Samuel heard the voice a third time calling, “Samuel!” 

By the third time, some of us will not even say “Here I am” again. We will say, “This old man! If he is playing tricks, that is his business.” And we will ignore the call, but not Samuel. The heart is very important! The third time, Samuel still came and said, “Here I am. I am available, Sir.” 1 Samuel 16:7 “…People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.


Prayer: Father, keep creating in me a clean heart. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please You, in Jesus Name. Amen! (Psalm 51:10 TPT)

Posted on Saturday 1 March, 2025, in Distinguished, Guardian, Newspaper, Walk, Zoom. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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