On God, Nothing Else

Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”


When you need to turn the tide the first thing you do is Tune In To God. The second thing you do is Pray. When you need to turn the tide, the third thing you do is Admit You Need Help.

2 Chronicles 20:12Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us” (NIV, emphasis added). Do you feel you have been outnumbered? Do you feel like people have ganged up against you? Do you feel there are so many people against you? You are in good company because you are in the company of miracles. God is going to do a miracle in your life in the Name of Jesus. We have no power of our own.

You have to say to God, I have no power of my own. The truth is you will never have a miracle in your life until you first realize you need a miracle. This is the very reason people do not have miracles in their lives. They feel they can handle this and do that in their own strength. Miracles occur when people say, “God, I desperately need a miracle.” Some people are just too full of themselves. “You mean I should pray? But I am not that desperate!” That right there is the problem. It is only when you recognize that you need a miracle that you will get a miracle. 

Focus On God And Not Your Problems, this is the fourth thing you need to do to turn the tide in your favour this season. Focus on God and not the problem. 2 Chronicles 20:12 “…We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (NIV, emphasis added). The problem in most cases is that people focus on the problem rather than focusing on The Lord. This is one of the benefits of spending time to pray, particularly with other believers, it forces your focus to shift from your problems to The Lord. Your attention shifts from your problems to The Lord. In some cases, people are focused on what the news media is saying or the bad news making the rounds. News about which nation is bombing another nation, or the skyrocketing cost of fuel, or the spiking exchange rates. My question to you is what is The Lord saying? What is God saying? You need to focus on God and not on current affairs. 

Corrie Ten Boom says, “If you look at the world you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.” A lot of people are focused on what is within. That is the expressway to depression because you most likely will not like what you see. But if you fix your eyes on Christ, you will be at rest. So, Focus on God and not your problems.


Prayer: Father, I choose to fix my mind on You, and trust in Your salvation, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 12 March, 2025, in spending time. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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