True Help
Psalm 124:2-3&6 “What would have happened to us if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us? They would have swallowed us alive when they became angry with us… Our help came from the Lord, the one who made heaven and earth!” (ERV)
Jehoshaphat prayed and God responded in 2 Chronicles 20:15 “… “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you:
‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (NIV, emphasis added). The battle is The Lord’s! I do not know what is confronting you today, do not look at the gigantic enemy, the collaborations, or the manipulations because the battle belongs to God. God is saying to you today, “The battle is not yours!”
God’s response to Jehoshaphat was, “It is My battle.” What are you facing in your academics, health, marriage, relationships, finances, mind, and spiritually? What are you up against? Stop fighting God’s battle! God is saying to you, “Stop fighting My battle. The battle belongs to Me!” There is nothing that gives peace as much as coming to and having the revelation that the battle belongs to God. Most times when we have tried things in our own strength, tried to hold things down, and things fall apart, we say to God, “I am sorry, I have failed You.” And God says, “No, you did not fail me.” “But God, I let You down.” He says, “You did not let me down.”
So, we say, “Lord, what do You mean I did not let You down?” And He says, “It is because you were not holding Me up in the first place.” You were not holding God up. You can only let down the person you are holding up. The battle belongs to God! You do not hold God up, He holds you up. You do not have God in your hands. He has you in His hands. So, focus on God and not on the problem because the battle belongs to The Lord. So what do you do when you are faced with a big challenge and you need a miracle? How do you turn the tide in your favour?
When you need to turn the tide in your favour, the fifth thing you do is Get Some Help (support). Sometimes, you just need to get help. You are neither an island nor Rambo. You are not a one-man riot squad. You need to get help. 2 Chronicles 20:13 “All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones stood before the Lord.” (NIV, emphasis added). This is huge! Jehoshaphat mobilized everybody! All hands on deck. You need to get all the support you can get. Do not face incredible odds on your own, unless you are forced to. Sometimes, you will have to face certain battles by yourself. But most times you will need help.
Prayer: Father, may it please You to bless me with loyal people who will stand back to back with me in battle. Help me to be loyal in battle in my relationships, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Posted on Thursday 13 March, 2025, in collaborations, gigantic, manipulations, mobilized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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