Change Focus

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1 Samuel 17:45David: You come to me carrying a sword and spear and javelin as your weapons, but I come armed with the name of the Eternal One, the Commander of heavenly armies, the True God of the armies of Israel, the One you have insulted.” (The Voice)


What the turning point does, is it makes you see where you can make a change in your life that will bring about the drastic result that everybody wants. Suddenly, you begin to see that it is on the Problem side

 of the equation that the miracle happens. So, stop focusing on the wrong side of the equation. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will look in the right direction. If people call you a loser, for instance, but you are now armed with what we learnt yesterday, therefore it means Loser plus something equals Winner (Loser + ? = Winner).

So, you are not worried about trying to change the Result side of the equation. You now know that there is something that should be added to the Problem side of the equation that will change the outcome, right? And that is what you are preoccupying yourself with. God has said you are going to experience a turning point, and this is where it all starts. Mary was a virgin, but God said to her that she was going to have a child. Therefore, virgin plus something equals baby (Virgin + ? = Baby). For the human mind, we know what virgin plus something can mean that will be equal to a baby. However, God said to Mary, “With man this is impossible, but not with God. For with God, all things are possible.” 

If you want to change your life, that is where you start. So, Loser + “Nothing is impossible with God” = Winner. If you are timid, it is okay, there is an equation for you. Timid + “Nothing is impossible with God” = Courageous. If what people have said about you is that you are a failure. Yes, you reject it in Jesus Name but how should you navigate? There is an equation for you. Failure + “Nothing is impossible with God” = Success. And some people say every time it seems like they are close to their miracle, it fizzles away. They call it the “near success syndrome”. There is an equation for you too. Near success + “Nothing is impossible with God” = Sure Success. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you are going to experience success of a surety. And if it is lack, then Lack + “Nothing is impossible with God” = Abundance. Your focus changes from the wrong side of the equation to the right side of the equation. Then the gift that God has given you comes into play  and you begin to solve the problem. But if you keep looking at the wrong side of the equation, your gifts cannot do anything there. 


Prayer:  Father, thank You for renewed focus, help me action on it, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 24 March, 2025, in Baby, Winner. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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