John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (NKJV, emphasis added)
Increasingly, people are being swayed from one side to the other, believing anything and not even knowing what they believe. Someone I know, a minister of the gospel or shall I say supposed to be, was saying there is nothing like the Blood of Jesus. I was like, what? Do people just want to say things because they want to be controversial? Someone said that the name of Jesus is not the name of Jesus that we think is the name of Jesus. Another person said that there is no need for the Church anymore that Jesus did not mean for the church to exist. I am like, really? Some say do not give anymore, there is no need to tithe. There is no need for fellowship. Speaking in tongues is not for our time.
People are increasingly not living by anything, being swayed to the left and right. But the Word of God are words to live by. The Word of God is the anchor to our souls, reliable. The Word of God contains promises from heaven. If God says ABC, then it is ABC and you can anchor on it. You can live by it. You can hinge your life on it. There are a lot of such promises in the Bible. Scholars tell us that there are eight thousand promises in the Bible. Jesus says to us in John 6:63 “…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (KJV). God’s Word is not only alive, but God’s Word keeps us alive. And they are promises that we can bank on.
It is like having an insurance policy, for instance. When something happens to you, you are not wondering what is going to happen. Let’s say you have a car, and you insure it properly, not the five-thousand-naira insurance for a fifty-million-naira car type. Why do people do that? If your car is properly insured and someone takes out your bumper, you are covered. In fact, in other climes when someone hits your car, you just exchange insurance details and everybody goes their way. You do not hear, “Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is?” There is no need for that. Why? Insurance covers it.
What I am saying is that the Word of God, and God’s promises are like a divine insurance policy. If you know what is covered in the policy, you will not have to fret. If you know that the policy covers everything, you will not have to worry about anything. The reason people are shaky and worried is because they do not know what is in the policy. Or they do not know how the policy works, why we have the policy and what the policy does for us.
Prayer: Father, help me to live by every Word from Your mouth, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Posted on Wednesday 26 March, 2025, in insurance, policy. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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