Daddy’s Girl

Joshua 15:16 “Caleb said, “I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the one who attacks and captures Kiriath-Sepher.”


Acsah was daddy’s girl, and ‘daddy’s girls’ of strong men usually have challenges settling down because they know what to do as they have seen their father do things. So, if you are a strong man and you are a daddy, you must ensure that your daughter is connected to someone like you, a giant killer. Again, this also applies to sons, but our focus is on daughters. This is why some girls are unable to get married because every man that comes does not measure up to their dad. They simply refuse to put their heads under a ‘spineless’ man. The daughters of strong men who have tried it, always regret it. If you put your head under a ‘spineless’ man, you are going to regret it. The question is, who and what determines who a girl should marry?

The West tells us it is love. Nothing can be farther from the truth than that. If you have been married for any length of time, you will know that love is good, but love is not enough. Love can only come and sustain when you are with a man that inspires greatness in you. If you are a daughter, a daddy’s girl of a strong man, and you marry an insecure man who always wants to push you down, and make you feel bad, so that he can feel good, you are in trouble. Such men never feel good except you feel bad. They never feel powerful until they rub your nose on the ground. That is a weak ‘spineless’ man.

Caleb understood that he could not risk the destiny and the future of his daughter. So, Caleb said, who can attack and capture Kiriath-Sepher? Anyone who takes Kiriath-Sepher gets Acsah. Maybe Caleb had been seeing Othniel and Acsah at night talking by the window. Caleb probably said to himself, ‘I do not have time for this nonsense! Can this boy perform?’ And it was because Caleb knew that if Acsah marries a ‘spineless’ man, for the rest of her life she would be frustrated. Why would you marry a wife and spend ninety percent (90%) of your time telling her she does not respect you? Something is wrong with that.

Caleb wanted a man that will inspire respect in his daughter. Again, the question is what determines who your daughter should marry, is it love? Some people say if she loves him. Do not make that mistake, please, I beg you. It is a big fat error, don’t do it! Am I saying you should throw love out of the window? No! Obviously, Othniel and Acsah had been talking. However, love is not enough. They say love is blind and it is true. Love is blind but fathers can see!


Prayer: Father, empower me to train up my children to partner with greatness according to the patterns You have laid out for me in scriptures, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 7 May, 2024, in capture, Daddy, length, measures, patterns. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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