
Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” (emphasis added)


From this passage, we see four phrases that show us how to position to be guided by God. These four phrases are four things that we have to inculcate in our lives to abide on eagle’s wings. The first phrase is Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart. Trust is actually higher than faith, in the sense that faith must have an object. Faith is the substance of the things hoped for. But beyond that, trust must have a person, trust is in a person. And to trust is to take a risk because we mostly do not know people, even God, we are only getting to know Him on this side of eternity. So, to trust God, you are taking a risk. To trust your spouse, you are taking a risk.

What I am saying is you have to take a risk in order to trust. Trust in a relationship is the key to fulfilment in that relationship. You cannot have a fulfilled relationship if you do not have trust in the relationship. However, trust always, always involves risks. Going on eagle’s wings is risking our comfort and security. It is risking being shaken up. Ecclesiastes 10:9 “…There is risk in each stroke of your axe!” (LB). In other words, in every activity, every business venture, and everything that brings profit to you, there is risk involved.

It is risky for you to take that new job. How do you know you are not going to be fired? How do you know you are going to be confirmed? How do you know the company is not going to go down? It is a risk, just because the salary is better. Even if you think the salary is better, things can change drastically. It is a risk. And it is the people that take risks in life and relationships that get the best of it. The enemy will try to box you in a corner and put you in a place where you do not take risks even on the voice of God. The truth is everything is risky. Staying in your house is risky. Not going out is risky. Going out is risky. Life is a risk. It is risky not to do anything.

No one is living a life without risk. So, people that try to prevent risk have actually just chosen a different kind of risk. Why not be strategic and choose the risk with the greatest reward that God is in, and God is on our side? There is no greater risk than the risk of relationships. When I take the risk to trust another person, that is the greatest risk of all. When I take the risk to trust God with my life, I am taking a huge risk. But one thing I found out is that even though I am taking a big risk, God is trustworthy. God has proven to be trustworthy over and over again.


Prayer (song): Dependable, Dependable God. It doesn’t matter what comes my way You are still God. Intentional, Intentional God. Everything is working out for my good. Amen!


Posted on Monday 29 July, 2024, in intentional, strategic. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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