Deal With It!
Proverbs 11:16 “…strong men retain riches.” (KJV).
God has a plan for you and your financial future. Today, we will be focusing on three things that make holes in people’s pockets. The first is Not Prioritizing God. What is the priority of God for you?
Do not ignore it. When you prioritize God, God will bless you and bless what is left. The second is Not Able To Keep A Secret. This can clearly put holes in your financial future. There are things that God has said to you, things that you are working on, keep your mouth shut about it. You say to A, have you seen this idea? You say to B, I am working on XYZ. And before you know it everything is depleted. You do not even have the power, the spiritual capacity to birth it. Why? It is because you have told everybody about it.
They do not even have to be the “wrong people”, people who are possessed. However, imagine you are telling people who have evil spirits living in them. Just keep your mouth shut! Google says the first meaning of the phrase bag of holes, is a waste of good money. The second is a person who can’t keep a secret. Check it out. People who cannot keep a secret end up in penury because they cannot retain wealth. The third is Lack Of Strength. Lack of capacity. Lack of character strength. Lack of inner strength. This month and beyond God will strengthen you and increase your strength. The capacity to have money in your pocket and walk past beautiful things and not buy them, receive it in Jesus Name.
The capacity to have money in your account and walk past that ‘mama-put’ (local restaurant) and not buy anything, you need it, so receive it in the Name of Jesus. The capacity to walk past whatever it is, that is unnecessary spending, receive it. Why? Proverbs 11:16 “…strong men retain riches.” (KJV). Strong men and strong women retain wealth. A weak woman or man cannot retain wealth. So, the issue is not what God has blessed you with. The issue is are you retaining what God has blessed you with? The term “strong men” in that scripture also means brutal men, ruthless men. Sometimes, you need to be brutal, and ruthless to retain your money, to retain wealth that God has blessed you with. A man came to me one day saying he had an emergency, his wife had just given birth to triplets, and he could not pay the hospital bill.
So, I congratulated him, and he said I should not congratulate him, what was he going to use to pay the bills? I said to him, ‘Sir, delivery of babies is not an emergency. You had nine months to prepare. And if you did a scan at month four or five, they would have told you what to expect.’ Pastor is that not brutal or rude even? You need to stop throwing your money at anything that appears to be a need. You need to retain wealth.
Prayer: Father, I ask for the strength required to retain wealth, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Posted on Wednesday 29 January, 2025, in hospital, lack. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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