2 Kings 4:3 “Then he said, Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbours, empty vessels—and not a few.” (AMPC)
Sometimes, God uses what has traumatized us to optimize us. God uses the same skills that got us into trouble to get us out of trouble. I can just imagine heaven saying to this woman,
“You know how to borrow, right? Good! Now you are going to use that same skill to borrow the right things”. Note that the scripture does not condemn borrowing. But the scripture encourages staying out of debt personally. When it comes to borrowing, you must borrow the “right things”. If you want to be financially independent, you must borrow the “right things”.
You can borrow into the farm to liberate your personal finances, but you must borrow vessels. Vessels appreciate. The vessels can produce, can become a manufacturing tool, a manufacturing plant for the oil to keep flowing. So, it makes sense to increase the capacity by borrowing vessels, by borrowing machinery, by borrowing equipment, by borrowing things that can make your work more productive. And that is what we see in 2 Kings 4. The question is, what you are borrowing, does it produce? What you are borrowing, can it be returned intact? Can it replace itself? I want to stay away from mentioning specific assets or financial instruments because I am not a financial adviser. I am just an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel.
But there are financial instruments, assets, things that you can borrow. And again, stay away from it on a personal level. Which is why entrepreneurship is so powerful. Again, not everybody can do entrepreneurship. But everybody should invest and see themselves as entrepreneurs. So, there are “borrowings” that are acceptable or actually wise to do for you to multiply your income. Get financial advice. Stop the Ponzi schemes and stop borrowing. That is not what I am talking about, at all. Vessels add value, vessels always add value.
2 Kings 4:4 “Then go into your house…” (emphasis added) This woman was the first person to work from home. Working from home which gained popularity due to COVID-19, this woman started it long ago by a prophetic Word. Go into your house means you need to come in contact with yourself. When we talked about being limitless, we talked about being in contact with yourself. Go into your house, into your home, into your closet, and own the entire process.
Prayer: Father, I ask for wisdom to stay out of debt consistently in my personal finances and vision to see the vessels I need to borrow to increase my capacity, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Posted on Tuesday 4 February, 2025, in assest, entrepreneurship, independent, vessels. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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