Face It

Psalm 66:10-12 “He trained us first, passed us like silver through refining fires, Brought us into hardscrabble country, pushed us to our very limit, Road-tested us inside and out, took us to hell and back; Finally he brought us to this well-watered place.” (MSG)


When you say, ‘God, I am here’, the first thing that happens is You Face the Fear You Never Thought You Could Face. You say, ‘God, I am available’, and then it seems

 like the very thing, the direction that you are most afraid of is where God is pushing and prodding you to go. But if you align with God and face that fear, you are on your way to becoming the greatest version of yourself. However, the challenge is there are too many ‘Jacobs’, and not enough ‘Israels’. Until you face the fear that you never thought you could face, and you confront yourself, you do not enter into the fullness of your destiny.

Genesis 32:27-28 “[The Man] asked him, What is your name? And [in shock of realization, whispering] he said, Jacob [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]! And He said, Your name shall be called no more Jacob [supplanter], but Israel [contender with God]…” (AMPC). In other words, you have confronted the fear of yourself, the fear of your limitations, the fear of your inadequacies, the fear of being a trickster. Now you are ready for what God has for you. A lot of people are not even honest about who they are. Who are you? Be honest! Unto yourself be true! 

However, sometimes it is easier to be honest about who you are, and tougher to be honest about who God wants you to be. People say, “I am just a sinner”. That is okay, but God has a greater plan for you. And that is, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 

You need to embrace that. Then you need to go beyond that and accept who God wants you to be. It is easy to say, “This is just who I am”. But it is tougher to say, “This is who God wants me to be, and that is who I will be. I am going to align with God”. So, on the one hand, we have not been honest. You need to be honest. When you are honest about who you are, that is progress. However, you need to be honest and accept who God wants you to be. It is okay to admit that you messed up. But it is greater to admit that Christ died for you. And because of His righteousness, you can be cleansed and removed from your mess. It is not okay to stay in that mess. It is okay to not be okay. But it is not okay to remain that way. 

It is okay to mess up, we all do. If you are human, you are going to make mistakes. Big deal, we all do. Water under the bridge! But do not stay there, get up and embrace who God wants you to be. If you are serious about serving God, He is going to bring you face-to-face with some of your greatest fears. And when He does, it opens the door for some of your greatest blessings. 


Prayer: Father, infuse me with courage, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

Posted on Monday 24 February, 2025, in supplanter, swindler, trickster. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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