Your Choice

Psalm 16:5 “My choice is you, God, first and only. And now I find I’m your choice!” (MSG)


When you say to God, “Here I am. I am available”, You Serve the Person You Never Thought You Could Serve. There is another side to this and that is there are some

 people you never thought in your wildest dreams, as far as class in world classification system is concerned, you would be able to reach out to. God is saying, you will speak to kings. BiMe, speak to kings? Yes! If you say, “Here I am, I am available” to God, God is going to set you before presidents. Years ago, we went to Burundi to start a church.

And all of a sudden, I was preaching to the President and the ministers. And they were sitting down, taking notes, while I was talking about Jesus, the Resurrection and The Life. I would never have thought I would speak to Presidents or world leaders. Who would have thought that I would be speaking, and people would be translating what I am saying to other languages? But when God led us to Costa Rica and other non-English speaking nations, I was speaking, and they were translating to Spanish and other languages. I do not speak Spanish. I understand a few words, but I do not speak Spanish. Now, our content is being translated into Spanish and other languages. That can only be God! 

What happens when you are available to God? You Find the Joy You Never Thought You Would Find. This is the last one and it is different from the others. All the others, it was you saying to God, “Here I am”. But in this last one, it is Jesus saying to you, “Here I Am. I am available. I am willing.” Revelation 3:20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me.” (NCV, emphasis added). This is the greatest “Here I am” in the Bible. Friendship with Jesus. What joy can even come close? So, if you are not sure that you have opened your door to Jesus, Jesus is here, you can do it right now. You can give your life to Jesus, open the door, and experience joy unlimited. 

When you say to God, “Here I am”, you face the fear you never thought you could face, trust the promise you never thought you would trust, see the miracles you never thought you would see, hear the message you never thought you would hear, make the sacrifice you never thought you could make, go to the place you never thought you would go, serve the person you never thought you could serve and find the joy you never thought you would find. 


Prayer: Father, here I am, bring me into the fullness of Your plans for me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 7 March, 2025, in face. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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