C. I. D.

Genesis 25:21 “Isaac pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins.”


The first change that happens at The Turning Point is a Change In Direction. Directional change is so powerful. Something amazing happened to John in Revelations 1:12Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. 

And having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands (BSB, emphasis added). Note that until John turned, he could not see. But he could not turn until he heard. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will hear God calling you. You will hear God directing you. You will hear God saying this is the way, walk in it. And as you hear His voice, you will turn and heed His call. If you hear His voice today, do not harden your heart. It is a turn to greatness. Remember, nothing happens except a sound is released. The Bible says the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the earth. Nothing happened until God spoke. So, you need to use your voice a lot this season. And you will experience a turnaround for good in the Name of Jesus.

The second change that the turning point will deliver to you is a Change In Atmosphere. Your atmosphere will change. If up until today, the atmosphere of your home has been filled with strife, this season, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, joy will fill your home. The atmosphere of your mind may be filled with sorrow and depression. This season, the atmosphere of your mind will be filled with joy in the Name of Jesus. Atmosphere is everything; the atmosphere determines what grows and what dies in you. Atmosphere determines the potential that you can ever attain. The atmosphere that you are in is so powerful. A lot of people are powerless about the atmosphere that is being created around them. This season, by the power of the Holy Spirit, your atmosphere will change. It will become fertile, productive and powerful in Jesus Name.

Let’s contrast a change in direction that leads to a turnaround and a turning point that does not necessarily lead to a change in direction. You may be going in the right direction, but there are forces in the current atmosphere that are holding you back. The turning point is the point at which you break free from those forces and accelerate in that direction. In prayer, for instance, when you start engaging, it may be challenging. But if you stick to it, you are gathering momentum. After a while, what happens? It is as if you break through, right? And the “forces” lose hold of you. The turning point happens when you break through. 


Prayer: Father, I break through because my atmosphere has changed, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 20 March, 2025, in turning point. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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