C. I. A.

1 Chronicles 4:10 “He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.”


The first change that happens at The Turning Point is a Change In Direction. And the second is a Change In Atmosphere. Yesterday we looked at the example of prayer. Another example is a rocket. In space science, 

there is something known as the Escape Velocity. The biggest problem in space exploration is this escape velocity. Getting a rocket to attain the velocity that will break free from the gravitational pull of the earth to propel the rocket to the orbital heights that it is facing. You are going to experience that escape velocity by the Spirit of God.

By definition, Escape Velocity is the velocity that is required by a body to escape the gravitational centre of attraction. An eagle can take flight but after a while, it is coming back. Similarly, an aeroplane can take off, but after a while what will happen? It has to land because there is no escape velocity. Yes, you are going in the right direction. But you have not attained the heights God has shown you. It looks elusive. What you need is the escape velocity. Once you have the escape velocity, you are going to break through the gravitational pull of the earth. You are going to break through all the gases, particles, and obstacles. I pray for you today in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, receive the escape velocity that you need. 

For some, you look at yourself and you think that you have reached your peak. But you have not reached your peak. A force is coming under you that is going to take you higher and higher still in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Some people may even say that you have reached your peak because you have been CEO of ABC. So, they conclude that you have done well for yourself. And some just coast through life. No, that is not your portion. You have greater heights to attain, and you will attain them in the Name of Jesus. What the enemy wants is for people to stay there, wait for a disease, and then nurse the disease until they pass on. 

That is not your portion. Regardless of the heights you have attained, you are receiving escape velocity now for higher heights in the Name of Jesus. When the rocket leaves the earth and gets to the orbital height, the atmosphere changes. Everything changes. They do not walk on the ground; they float because there is no gravity. Your atmosphere is going to change. You will know and you will testify that on this day my atmosphere changed and everything changed. 

Prayer: Father, just like You changed Jabez’s atmosphere from pain to prosperity, change my atmosphere, grant me escape velocity for breakthrough and promotion, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 21 March, 2025, in gravitational, velocity. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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