Action Time

“We realize that we have sinned, but now we are ready to enter the land the Lord has promised us.” But Moses said, …It won’t work. Do not go up into the land now. You will only be crushed by your enemies because the Lord is not with you’ Num.14:40-42

The second thing you need to understand when it comes to moving forward is called the Window of Response. Please read Numbers 14. The truth is while you will always have time as long as you are alive, you will never always have an opportune time. Imagine you are at the T-junction waiting for the light to change and there is a long line of cars behind you. Your windows are up, music playing, and your head is down and you are texting. Once the light changes to green, what happens to all the cars behind you? They will all begin to hunk their horns just to get your attention or get you to move forward but after awhile, the light will change back to red. The time between the lights changing from green to red is called the window of response. The fact that the light is green does not mean it will always be green.

God brought the Jews out of Egypt, parted the red sea for them, did great and mighty things for them, they got to the verge of the promised land, God said to them, go and possess the land. But they said to God, “we are not able to go because there are giants in the land”. Anytime you magnify your problem, you insult your God. It’s a direct insult on God. And God was probably just like “Me? I brought you out of Egypt. You are not even saying God we want to see how you will deal with this giant”. And God was upset with them. So God said to them, “You said you will not go? Then you will die in this wilderness”. And a few hours after they thought to themselves, “this thing we have done is bad. If God has told us to go we should go – don’t you think so?” So they said to Moses, “Sir Moses, we are now ready to go”. Moses said, “It does not depend on you. The One that changed the light to green has change it back to red”. So they beat their chests and the Bible says ‘the people defiantly pushed ahead…’ and they met with L.A.S.T.M.A [Lagos State Transport Monitoring Agency] on the road [the Israelites met the Amalekites and Canaanites]. And they had to wait another forty years before the light changed to green again. Look, this message is for someone reading this today – the light is green – act quickly!


Prayer: Father, I pray that I will never miss my widow of response, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Friday 18 July, 2014, in Favour, Guidance, Move. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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