
‘Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me’ 2 Cor.12:8-9.


The victory God wants to win in you is more important than the victory you want God to win for you. It’s not just about the breakthroughs; God wants to do a work in you and I that is more important than any breakthrough you and I can get. Some people want to be healed but they don’t want to be disinfected because they love the bacteria. It does not work that way. Come and be washed in the blood. There is something that God wants to do in you that is more important than what God wants to do for you. I see you moving forward in the Name of Jesus. Regardless of what the enemy tries to put in your way, you will triumph over them in Jesus Name.

The enemy tries to use bitterness to stop people from moving forward. Bitterness is so dangerous. I once walked into a prayer session where my friends were praying over a lady that had lumps allover her body. I used to just jump-in anywhere I saw people praying but I am wiser now. I only engage when God brings it my way. I believed she will be delivered and so I joined the prayer session. And I felt God saying that the lady needed to forgive her father. So I voiced out what I believed God was saying and it was as though something came over her. She said she will never going to forgive her father and that if the illness was what God wanted to use to kill her then she was prepared to die. The other people continued praying but I left. Like someone said “bitterness is like drinking poison and wishing somebody else will die”. You are the one drinking the poison. Bitterness is poisonous to your soul. A man walked up to me after a sermon on forgiveness. And he said, “Am I to forgive the man who raped my wife and killed her?” He had bought a gun and came to Nigeria solely for the purpose of killing the man. He said he just came to church that day to say his last prayers. I said, “Jesus says you should forgive”. He struggled a lot but we prayed together and he left. I don’t know what you are struggling with today and why you think you have the right to hold that person in unforgiveness. It is in your best interest to let the person go so that you can move forward beginning today. The final thing the enemy uses to stop people from moving forward is unconfessed sin.


Prayer: Father, I come under the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus today. I will overcome by the Blood, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Wednesday 23 July, 2014, in Direction, Focus, Guidance. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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