No Falsehood

As he entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Luke17:12-13.


Please read Luke 17:11-18. It is an amazing story. Sometimes we read this kind of stories and we say in our heart “what an ungrateful bunch!” “How can anyone treat Jesus like that?” “Don’t they have home training, couldn’t they just have gone back to say thank you to Jesus?” But we need to check our lives, how grateful are we ourselves? The ten lepers saw Jesus coming and they said “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”. That was the beginning of their turning point. I am here to tell you that you are only a prayer away from a total life change. The ten lepers were a prayer away from total life change. You are a prayer away from a completely different life so don’t be tired. ‘…men ought always to pray, and not to faint’ KJV ‘One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give upLuke 18:1. This is Jesus speaking when he was about to give the parable of the importunate woman. I know you have prayed and prayed. And I have good news for you, you are a prayer away. So hang in there and pray because the floodgates are opening. ‘…there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised…1kings8:56.

It came to a point in the life of the Jews that they stopped and they looked back. When they took stock of their journey, they discovered that there had not failed a single word that Moses has spoken that God had promised. Now, when they were going through the wilderness, was it palatable? No! When they were going through the waters it wasn’t easy. Not at all! When they met with Marah it was a bitter situation. But at each point God came through. God will come through for you. And when they looked back at their lives, they said there has not failed one word. I am praying today that you will look back at your life and you will say not a single Word of God to me has failed because that is what will happen. God is a God of integrity. If God says “I will take care of you”. Guess what is about to happen. God will take care of you. So please relax, God will come through for you.


Thought: I urge you to take stock and give God praise today.


Prayer: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. There has not failed one word of all Your good promises to me. thank You Father, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Thursday 24 July, 2014, in Gratitude, Praise, Thanksgiving. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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