Locating Oil

‘Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you [of sale value] in the house? She said, Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil’ 2 kings 4:2 [AMP]


Still on the oil principle, the second thing you must remember is that the solution is easily disdained [ignored]. The widow said ‘I have nothing at all except for this worthless flask of oil’ [translated]. So how can you locate your oil? Simple, your oil must be something that will be of value to men and glorify God. Fraud is not of value and it does not glorify God so it cannot be your oil. In locating your oil, the first place you start with is value. Yet there are so many things that are valuable but you are not good at. Lets take being a specialist heart surgeon for example. It is valuable to the society but not everybody is good at it. So you need to find something that is valuable and that you are good at. It also has to be something that you enjoy doing. So the first three pointers are something that is valuable, that you are good at, and you enjoy doing. And finally, it has to be something that somebody is willing to pay for. Elijah said to the woman ‘go and sell the oil’. In other words the oil is something that someone is willing to pay you for. So if you are good at it, you enjoy doing it, and nobody is willing to pay you for it then you have a hobby. If you enjoy dancing but no one is willing to pay you for it then please find something else to do. This is not to say that you should stop dancing but for now find something else to do that will pay the bills. At least, until someone is willing to pay for it. If you are good at it, you get paid for it, and you don’t enjoy it then it is just a job. That cannot be your oil because you will not excel really if you are not truly enjoying what you are doing. If you enjoy it, get paid for it, and you are not good at it then you are about to be fired. You cannot discover your oil by attempting to do something someone else is good at. Even though you might do well but you won’t attain the heights your own oil will take you.

So your oil is what you are good at, you enjoy doing, and you get paid for it. Right there – that is your oil. For some this is revelation indeed. Thus says the Lord, ‘go sell the oil!’ Did God give you a price tag? You determine the price, the market, the brand, the name, and so on. This year, we must not forget the oil principle.


Prayer: Father Lord, help me locate my oil because I know that I was not born empty. And let the selling of my oil glorify You, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Saturday 11 October, 2014, in Guidance. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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