Access Control III

And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Matt.16:19

The door is a symbol of access control. I trust that in this season God will open your eyes to see areas where you need to shut the door to the enemy. A man was ministering somewhere outside of the state in which he resides and God showed him that a pack of wolves were approaching his house. And he knows that his wife always leaves the kitchen door open, meaning that the wolves were going to gain access to his family and their home. So he began to ponder in his spirit about what to do and it occurred to him, if you do not do anything the wolves would gain access. You need to know that the fact that God has shown you something does not mean it will be resolved. God has shown you so that you can act on it. He did not want to call his wife because that panic alone may cause more problems. He got up and from how many kilometers away drew a Bloodline round his house. He called later to check on his family and of course everything was fine. However, when he got back home he took a walk round their country house and he said that he saw wolves around his fence dead. What does that tell you? Those wolves were from the enemy and they were on a mission. But whatever you shut on earth shall be shut in heaven. So the first thing you need to shut the door at is the devil.

The second thing you need to shut the door at, because of the new season God is going to bring you into beginning from today, is bad habits. These are habits that destroy you slowly. The danger with habits is that they are consistent destroyers, slow but steady. That is why when you see someone that has been destroyed by a habit wanting instant deliverance you know something is wrong. You destroyed this thing over years, God can heal you instantly do not get me wrong, but sometimes you need to battle. I used to have a friend, the first cigarette that I smoked in university was from him. He used to drive a Benz-convertible back in the day and so girls were always flocking around us. When I got saved, I told him he also had to give his life to Jesus but he argued with me. So I told him even if you do not give your life to Jesus right away, please stop smoking it is killing you slowly. Guess what his response was? Do you want to die suddenly? He said dying slowly was not bad because everyone like it or not is dying slowly. And he turned the whole thing to a joke. I left him but kept believing God for him. Our paths went in different directions but I later heard he was at the girls hostel waiting to pick up a girl and he dropped dead beside the Benz-convertible. Why because he had damaged his lungs beyond repair.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please purge me completely of bad habits and help me shut the door to bad habits going forward, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Tuesday 13 October, 2015, in Supernatural access. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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