God Responds

Remember, O Lord, how I have always been faithful to you and have served you single-mindedly, always doing what pleases you.” Then he broke down and wept bitterly” 2kings20:3 [emphasis added].

When the time comes, because the time will come, let there be something you can go to God and say “Lord remember”. When the time came for Nehemiah, he went to God and said, “Remember, O my God, all that I have done for these people, and bless me for it” Neh.5:19. “In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm. May he send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you from Zion.  May he remember all your gifts and look favorably on your burnt offerings. Selah” Ps.20:1-3 [emphasis added]. May God send you help from His throne. Psalm 20 is very powerful. In truth none of God’s Word is without power. But I have deployed this particular Psalm in amazing ways. I pray that you will spend time reading this Psalm in God’s Presence and He will reveal Himself to you.

May he remember all your gifts…”, the word gifts there for us can be translated to mean seed. God can remember your giving and send you help from above. In fact, when God remembers your giving, He sends you help from above. Remember, God has said to us in His Word, I have not called you to seek [serve] me in vain. God is a God that responds. He says you will serve the Lord your God and He will bless your bread and your water and He will put none of these diseases upon you. God is a God that responds. I want to challenge you to stand up and serve, if you are not currently serving God in anyway in your local church. Please do!

“…I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you…”2Kings20:5 [emphasis added]. When God hears your prayers and sees your tears, He sends you help from above. The question is what is stopping God from hearing your prayers? I pray that nothing will stop God from hearing your prayers. What will stop God from sending you help? God’s Word says, “if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me”. The hand of God is not shortened that He cannot save but sin has a way of insulating you from help from heaven. The good news is, Jesus came to take away the sin. But unlike the bronze serpent, Jesus’ tenure never expires. Jesus lives forever to make intercession for those that will put their trust in Him. You can look to Jesus today and be free.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I put my trust in You alone and my eyes are on You. Let nothing stand in the way of the help You are sending me from heaven today, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 18 January, 2016, in Intimacy with God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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