Fifth Element

Isa.40:31 “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”


Solomon’s six winning ways have been coined into the acronym W-I-N-N-E-R.

W stands for Work with purpose, I – insist on Integrity, N – Never make excuses, the 2nd N –Never stop learning and, E is for Economize Your Time and Energy.

Do not be one of those people always wondering where their time and energy went. Some people even ask me how I have the time and energy to do the things that I do. Well, I am going to show you a huge part of how.

Everybody has one hundred and sixty-eight hours a week. Time is an equal opportunity employer. For you to make maximum use of your time and energy, you must know first of all that everybody has the same amount of time. Secondly, time management is a spiritual issue so you must approach it as one. To waste time is to sin. Until you see it like that, you are not going to tackle it accordingly.

Hence winners know the value of time and losers think they will always have time. That is the difference. Winners do not only know the value of time, they map out their days, weeks, months, and years. The truth is that your time is more valuable than your money. How so? You can make more money but you cannot make more time! My advice to entrepreneurs and people that run their own businesses is, hire people that can do the work for you so that you can free up your time. You can make more money to pay them but you can never buy time. So free up your time so that you can do what only you can do. This is huge!

I think a lot of work has been done on time management but not enough work on energy management. Energy management is also very important. Wasting your time sometimes is inevitable and outside of your control. But wasting of your energy is always within your control.


Assignment: What is your number one time waster and your number one energy waster?


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help me identify the time wasters and energy sappers in my life and help me plug the leak in my resources, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 25 May, 2018, in Money, Strength, Think, Time. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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