Category Archives: speech

The Miracles

Psalm 5:7-8 “And here I am, your invited guest—it’s incredible! I enter your house; here I am, prostrate in your inner sanctum, waiting for directions to get me safely through enemy lines.” (MSG, emphasis added)


When you stand and you say to God, “Here I am. I am available”. The third thing that happens is that You See The Miracles, You Never Thought You Would See. Moses is a classic example. Exodus 3:4When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” (NIV, emphasis added). Moses’ response, in other words, was “Here I am. I am available. Your boy is here.” And Moses, though available, had a lot of questions. It is okay to have questions. You can say to God, “Here I am, but I have questions. I do not understand this.”  Read the rest of this entry