Save. Invest. Repay.

Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.”


If I want to experience financial metamorphosis, I Must Trust God As My Source And Supplier, I Must Keep Good Records, I Must Give The First 10% Back To God, and I Must Save And Invest For The Future. The truth is, “If you cannot save money, Read the rest of this entry

Get Wisdom

Proverbs 13:20 “Be friends with those who are wise, and you will become wise. Choose fools to be your friends, and you will have trouble.” (ERV)


The New Living Translation of Proverbs 13:20 reads, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.The Message reads, “Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” Count five of your closest friends and examine their lives, Read the rest of this entry


Deuteronomy 8:18But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant…” (NIV).


To experience financial metamorphosis, the first thing is, I Must Trust God As My Source And Supplier. The second thing is, I Must Keep Good Records. The third thing is, I Must Give The First 10% Back To God. Pastor Kunle Olawale captured it aptly when he said, Read the rest of this entry


Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (NIV)


We kick off today’s devotional with our final thought from yesterday and that is, to experience financial metamorphosis, I Must Give The First 10% Back To God. I shared yesterday that God taught me how to tithe, and I have been tithing for decades. Read the rest of this entry


1 John 2:24 “So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father.”

Proverbs 27:23-24 “Riches can disappear fast…so watch your business interests closely. Know the state of your flocks and herds” (TLB, emphasis added). Some of us have invested in stocks but we do not even know where the records are. Read the rest of this entry

Source & Steward

Matthew 25:19 “After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money.”

To experience financial metamorphosis, the first thing is, I Must Trust God As My Source And Supplier. Your job is not your source. Your business is not your source. Most times, we are so guarded when it comes to our jobs, our careers, Read the rest of this entry

Money Matters

Matthew 6:21 “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

We are still on our journey of positive transformation and over the next few days our focus will be on financial metamorphosis. How to be transformed in your finances, from where you are to where God wants you to be. How to be changed from your current glory to a higher and a new level of glory. Read the rest of this entry

Active Witness, II

Proverbs 11:30 “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, a wise person wins friends. And he who wins souls is wise. (NKJV/NLT).

So, how do we experience relational metamorphosis? To experience relational metamorphosis, one, you need to Get Interested In Other People. Two, Do not Be A Chronic Complainer. Three, you need to Learn To Be A Good Listener. Four, you need to Accept People Unconditionally. Read the rest of this entry

Active Witness, I

Mark 5:18-20 “…Let me stay with you.” But Jesus would not allow it… he told the man, “Go home to your family, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been to you.” So the man… began to tell how much Jesus had done for him in the Ten Cities” (GW).

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him.” (GNT). We all need people like this. Read the rest of this entry

Stick On

Proverbs 18:24 “Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.” (MSG).

To experience relational metamorphosis, Get Interested In Other People, Do not Be A Chronic Complainer, Learn To Be A Good Listener, Accept People Unconditionally, and Help People Feel Significant. People are going through a lot already. Read the rest of this entry