Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3(NIV)
Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t going to the same place? Amos 3:3(MSG)
Scientists tell us that the two eyes do not see the same object in the same say. One sees one perspective and the other another perspective and the brain puts both perspectives together. Then our minds interpret a complete image – harmony; this is a perfect picture of harmony. So why must you insist that your spouse must see things the same way you see it? You don’t have to see things the same way. This is the root cause of stress in a lot of homes where you find the husband expending time and energy to make his wife see things the same way. How we perceive this is a combination of a number of factors and is not a sign of rebellion. God does not see differences as acts of rebellion. The value the other person has and brings is the different perspective they bring to the table. A proverb says ‘two people cannot sleep on the same bed facing the same direction’. We cannot all see things the same way or we become useless to each other. Quit trying to make your spouse always see everything the same way that you do. It is okay if he/she has a different view, this does not threaten your position is any way. You might not see eye to eye on every issue but you should be able to work hand in hand. Stop insisting or this will eventually rock the boat. We hold onto our views so strongly that it kind of defines our personality. When somebody does not agree with us we feel rejected. We merge our views with our person which is wrong. There will be nothing like harmony in music if all the keys sound the same way. It is the differences that make it harmonious when struck properly. Have you not noticed that God takes pleasure in how different He formed each one of us? Let your spouse be who God has called them to be. Submit your differences to the Holy Spirit and let Him balance your home.
Thought: Take time out to thank God for how different your spouse is and start to appreciate it.
Prayer: Father, help me appreciate the differences you have put in each of us. I lay down the urge to impress my view on everyone by the help of Your Spirit.
Posted on Sunday 29 January, 2012, in Holy Spirit, Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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