His Temple

‘Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body’ 1 Cor.6:19-20


Quite a number of ladies are faced with intense pressure when it comes to getting married. Many Christian ladies are confronted with the demand to get pregnant before marriage because their in-laws want to ascertain if they can have children or not. I’ll say it is simple, just tell them that you are a Christian and that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and refuse to do it. It may sound funny but that’s the Word of God; going along with that plan means walking contrary to the path that God has laid down for you. Sadly, some children of God actually buy into the lie of the enemy that no one will find out. Your Father in heaven will know and He is the only person that matters. Again you are opening yourself up for battles you have no idea about.

Guess what, even young men also face similar pressures in the area of marriage. A young man wants to marry the love of his life that happens to be her father’s favourite. They young couple have all their plans laid out and present it to the father of the bride to be. The father out of love for his daughter expresses his desire to do a big wedding for her. But the time the couple has given him is too short to put it together. The groom, with all due respect, does his best to communicate the fact that they are not interested in a big wedding and would like to stick to the time they had already agreed on. So the father sends his wife to tell the young man that he really likes him and has accepted him as a son already. In light of that he had given his permission for the groom to go away with his daughter. She can move in with him and they can start living together as a couple until he is prepared to have the big party for his daughter. The young man refused and stood his ground as a child of God and God favored him. His obedience to God led to the salvation of his wife’s father.  The point is this; we never know what God wants to do with our lives. Many of us succumb to the slightest opposition to our faith. Don’t you know that your God is alive and well! You do not need to compromise. Trust God to see you through.


Prayer: Father, I exchange my weaknesses for Your strength. I ask for the grace to stand on Your Word and not compromise, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 3 August, 2013, in Holiness, Honouring God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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