Major Shift

And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.” Gen.40:8


In God’s Favourite House, our vision is to be filled with the life of Christ Jesus, and released into our destinies, taking the world for Him. The fulfillment of our destiny is when you are released into your destiny. When you are propagating your dream and you make your own dream priority, you will land yourself in prison. Even your brothers will hate you. When you make it about other people’s dreams and you use your own dream to serve theirs, you end up in the palace. A lot of us are uncomfortable with this because it is pointing to a major shift that we need to make. When you propagate your dreams, you create competition particularly from the immature regardless of if they are siblings or colleagues. But when you propagate the dreams of others, you create a community. You will never hear me say, this is my dream. Our vision is to build – our vision is to be filled. Even at home, try it with your spouse. If you are always talking about yourself and your vision, your spouse will become your number one competitor if he or she is immature. And from my experience, eighty percent of people are immature; believe me, even in church. It is so sad. So when you propagate your dream you create competition because immediately the immature mind says, ‘what about me?’ What happens is people who should be working together, start fighting each other. But when you make it about other people, which is what God has really given you the vision for, people will find their part in the vision and plug in to bring it to fruition. If you understand this principle you will see how quickly the vision God has shown you will come to pass. How many grains of rice can Joseph eat in a year? A lot of us don’t get the support we need to achieve the dreams we have because we make it about us. It is not about you, sorry, deal with it! These scriptures are written so that we don’t make the same mistakes that will land us in prison. The most important person and only one that must be in every worship experience in God’s Favourite House is Jesus. It is all about Jesus. Every one of us finds ourselves in Him, God’s vision.


Prayer: Father, help me! Lord, let Your Word renew my mind and thinking, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 14 June, 2014, in Commitment, Dreams, Serving, Vision. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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