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“God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy” Matt.5:7


Have you noticed that over the past few days I have been giving you a lot of scriptural references? It is because this is the Word of God and that is where you should be grounded. Open your mind to the Holy Spirit as you obediently read them. Taste and see…

The second way Jesus wants us to share His kindness with others is by giving. There is a story in Matthew 18; two servants, one servant owed the other and the other owed the master. The one that owed the master owed a large sum of money and after begging, the man said, I forgive you. Now, the other man that owed him, owed him a smaller amount of money and he just refused to forgive the other man. And the master said, I’m going to punish you. You are going to pay back everything you owe, then I am going to put you in prison and tormentors are going to deal with you. Jesus said something in that story that is very instructive, because this was His expectation. He said, “So you should have given that other man who serves with you the same mercy I gave youMatt.18:33 [ERV, emphasis added].Has God been merciful to you? God is saying give the same mercy – the same! I am not saying you should manufacture something, give the same mercy.

So mercy is communicable. In other words, you can give it without losing what you have. It is possible for someone to infect you with flu and retain the same flu in their bodies. Well, mercy is similar, but much better. You can give mercy and still have your own share of mercy. Jesus says you should give the same mercy that He gave you. Give the same mercy. Some of us have resolved never, I mean never, to forgive some people or someone. You tie yourself up when you say that. You release your life to tormentors when you say that. You will say that I don’t understand and I don’t know what they did to you. The question is, has God been merciful to you? That same mercy that God has given you, give them. You have it, give them. God is not telling you to give them what you do not have. God is saying He has been merciful to you, give them the same mercy, give it to them. Someone asked, what about the person that repeatedly hurts you? I say, forgive the person again. Yes, I am saying forgive again. Is that not what Jesus said? So forgive. Why? My grandmother would say, ‘I will not allow you to use your own to block me from my own’. If they have an issue, it is their issue. Do not make it your issue. Forgive them!


Prayer: Father, please teach my heart to be merciful so that I will show and share the same measure of mercy that I have also received from You, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Tuesday 24 March, 2015, in Forgiveness, Mercy, Witnessing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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